Study in Croatia!

Travel by sea

There are a number of ferry and ship services operating both domestic and international services.

Croatian coastal towns and cities are served by ferry and ship services. The islands are also linked with the mainland (and some of them also with other islands) by ferry/ship services. During the summer, the frequency of ferry sailings is usually increased and fast hydrofoil services are added.

The largest ferry operator in Croatia is Jadrolinija whose ferries travel from the port of Rijeka in the northern coast down to Dubrovnik in the south, stopping at towns such as Zadar and Split, as well islands such as Hvar and Korčula. Jadrolinija also operates international lines to Ancona and Bari in Italy.

There are a number of other ferry and ship services operating both domestic and international, with both regular and high-speed boats. Please visit the Croatian Tourist Board web site for more information.