Study in Croatia!

Travel by bus

The most frequent inter-city bus line is Zagreb-Split, with buses usually running every 30 minutes. Connection with other major cities is usually available every hour or several times per day.

National bus network

Croatia has a comprehensive bus network that connects all parts of the country. Bus services between major cities (inter-city lines) are frequent as are the regional services, especially in the high season. The most frequent inter-city bus line is Zagreb-Split, with buses usually running every 30 minutes. Connection with other major cities is usually available every hour or several times per day.

Ticket prices depend on the destination, the carrier and the travel itinerary. Travellers are advised to check in advance whether travel is conducted on the motorway or other roads as well as how many stops there are until the final destination, as this will affect the duration of the journey.

The largest bus terminal in Croatia is the Zagreb Bus Station, offering the best connection with other Croatian and European cities.

All information on timetables and prices should be requested directly from Croatia’s main bus stations, a list of which can be found on the web site of the Croatian Tourist Board.

International bus connections

There are regular international bus services connecting Croatia with all neighbouring countries, as well as many other European countries. Comprehensive information on bus services between Croatia and other European countries can be found on the web site of Europe's largest regular coach network